Free SSL Certificates

DigitalFyre offers its Clients Free SSL Certificates to use in order to secure their websites hosted on their Dedicated or Virtual Servers. To order an SSL Certificate, you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and a Certificate Key.

  • Free SSL Certificates are provided through one of our partners' API.
  • In order to qualify for the free SSL Certificate, you must have at least one active hosting service with DigitalFyre.
  • You can generate either a host SSL Certificate or a Wildcard SSL certificate.
  • It's important to check your Junk/Spam folder for the SSL Approval Email sent by AlphaSSL.
  • You can find the latest and most up-to-date Root Certificate for the Wildcard and Regular SSL Certificates generated by the SSL Tool on AlphaSSL's website.
  • Free SSL Certificates do not Auto-renew. You will need to re-request a new SSL Certificate at the time of expiration, or before your SSL Certificate expires.
  • The DigitalFyre Customer Portal (Console) will display the certificate expiration date.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.


Pending Certificates

DigitalFyre attempts to collect validated certificates every 30 minutes as soon as the certificate is applied for.

In order for an SSL certificate to be collected, you must have recevied and followed the validation instructions sent to them by our SSL provider AlphaSSL, at which point DigitalFyre will collect their certificate.
If you have not recevied the validation email, or are concerned that your certification is not being collected, please contact DigitalFyre's support.
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